Kempen Penajaan Anak Yatim Afghanistan
Di tengah-tengah pergolakan yang berterusan di Afghanistan, anak-anak yatim sering kali terpinggir dan kehilangan harapan. Kehilangan keluarga, rumah, dan peluang untuk pendidikan telah menggelapkan hari-hari mereka. Tajaan anda bukan sahaja membantu mereka dari segi keperluan harian seperti makanan, pakaian dan pendidikan malah dapat bantu mereka merasai kegembiraan yang hilang.
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Copyright © 2025 - Humanitarian Care Malaysia Berhad (Reg. no. 729288-P)
MyCARE Donation System version 2.3.20
Release Notes
Date: 18 October 2024
Time: 02:45 am (MYT)
1) Features: Add pop-up layer module in order to show rich-contents during the application maintenance (responsive UI).
Version: 2.3.19
Date: 16 October 2024
Time: 04:30 am (MYT)
1) Enhancement: Send appropriate data to Google Analytics for proper Google Ads Tracking purposes.
Version: 2.3.18
Date: 24 September 2024
Time: 07:45 am (MYT)
1) Features: Permit the administrator to delete or restore payment transaction records at donation records listing.
2) Enhancement: Trigger Meta Pixel event action when the transaction acknowledgement page was properly loaded.
3) Debug: Fix the UTC transaction time sent to Google Analytics version 4. Converted to Malaysia Timezone instead.
Version: 2.3.17
Date: 22 September 2024
Time: 08:15 am (MYT)
1) Features: Add Ads Tag Event Trigger / conversion tracking for Google Analytics and Meta Pixel module.
Version: 2.3.16
Date: 14 June 2024
Time: 10:15 am (MYT)
1) Features: Add Ads Tag module.
Version: 2.3.15
Date: 14 June 2024
Time: 09:00 am (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix issue of inappropriate Qurban data (book quantity = 0) not sent to MySedeqah.
Version: 2.3.14
Date: 31 May 2024
Time: 01:30 am (MYT)
1) Features: Add module to let the administrator customize document title for specific page.
Version: 2.3.13
Date: 14 March 2024
Time: 04:00 am (MYT)
1) Performance: Improvise database queries to load donation cart items, and campaigns at the landing page.
Version: 2.3.12
Date: 13 March 2024
Time: 06:10 am (MYT)
1) Performance: Improvise database queries to load campaigns on the landing page, and donation records listing.
Version: 2.3.11
Date: 18 December 2023
Time: 06:30 pm (MYT)
1) Revision: Update Google Tag with the advise from Google team.
2) Debug: Update background process that handle to fetch deleted campaign information.
Version: 2.3.10
Date: 25 October 2023
Time: 09:45 pm (MYT)
1) Performance: Reduce MyCARE header logo file size in order to speed-up page loading.
Version: 2.3.9
Date: 25 October 2023
Time: 10:15 am (MYT)
1) Security: Fix authorization for donor to view only his / her own donation record.
Version: 2.3.8
Date: 25 October 2023
Time: 09:40 am (MYT)
1) UX: Add configurable management fee notice (display) module.
Version: 2.3.7
Date: 25 August 2023
Time: 02:50 pm (MYT)
1) UX: Improvise administrative function to perform campaign donation amount options deletion and restoration.
2) UX: Permit Sponsorship item deletion from the donation cart instead of individual beneficiary removal at Sponsorship landing page.
Version: 2.3.6
Date: 21 July 2023
Time: 10:30 pm (MYT)
1) UX: Append provider name after payment method label at Donation records listing search filter.
2) Debug: Fix any Qurban donation with 0 book parts.
3) Features: Improvise Billplz transaction status re-query to perform bill checking instead of only transaction status checking.
4) Debug: Fix issue of unbalance donation amount at Billplz transacted donation amount.
5) Revision: Update of Google Tag.
Version: 2.3.5
Date: 23 June 2023
Time: 02:00 am (MYT)
1) UX: Add types of campaign (General donation, MyQurbani, Sponsorship, and Volunteer - Temporarily hidden due to the not-present module) navigator bar (for desktop view), and dropdown bar (for mobile view) at the header section.
2) UI: 'Help' icon at the top right is replaced with 'User Guideline' at the dropdown bar (for mobile view). It is temporarily hidden for desktop view.
3) UX: Use 'minimalis form' for MyQurbani checkout form (similar to General Donation checkout form).
4) UX: Improvise 'Make Payment' button clicked action (at the checkout form for General Donation, MyQurbani, and Sponsorship) to highlight required field if the field is empty.
Version: 2.3.4
Date: 16 June 2023
Time: 09:00 am (MYT)
1) UX: Prevent 'NaN' from being displayed upon 'Checkout' button clicked for Sponsorship module.
2) UX: Use 'You may also be interested' phrase for cross-sell module.
Version: 2.3.3
Date: 26 May 2023
Time: 09:40 am (MYT)
1) UX: Add 'New Sponsorship' and 'Existing Sponsorship' buttons to simplify Sponsor while making Sponsorship.
2) Features: Remove middle name field for donor name. Any information will be merged to the first name.
Version: 2.3.2
Date: 19 May 2023
Time: 04:00 am (MYT)
1) Features: Add cross-sell campaigns features at donation cart review page.
2) UX: Remove 'Other campaigns' button at Qurban donation form.
Version: 2.3.1
Date: 12 May 2023
Time: 05:00 am (MYT)
1) Feature updates: For the time being, MySedeqah is able to differentiate between 'qurbantype' of 'Qurban' and 'Akikah' via /api/Donors/Create API.
2) Features: Release of Sponsorship module to the sandbox.
Version: 2.2.2
Date: 06 April 2023
Time: 06:00 am (MYT)
1) Features: Release of Qurban and Akikah module to the sandbox. For the time being, MySedeqah is still unable to differentiate between 'qurbantype' of 'Qurban' and 'Akikah' via /api/Donors/Create API.
Version: 2.2.1
Date: 19 December 2022
Time: 03:50 am (MYT)
1) Features: Add statistic for Qurban packages based on the specified Hijri year for Qurban module.
Version: 2.2.0
Date: 13 December 2022
Time: 01:30 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Activate Qurban and Akikah module.
Version: 2.1.21
Date: 12 October 2022
Time: 10:15 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Add Youtube video ID as alternative to Survey form as the post-transaction features.
2) UX: Display either Survey form or Youtube video as the post-transaction features.
Version: 2.1.20
Date: 26 September 2022
Time: 01:20 am (MYT)
1) UI: Revise colour for payment option buttons, radio buttons (for Safari web browser to become more user-friendly), and text colours at the donation checkout form.
2) UI: Change button attributes for 'Return to your cart' and 'Proceed Payment' button at the donation checkout form.
3) UI: Change 'Proceed Payment' button to 'Make Payment' at the donation checkout form.
4) UI: Prioritize 'Make Payment' button for mobile view at the donation checkout form.
Version: 2.1.19
Date: 15 September 2022
Time: 01:15 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Add individual donation transaction re-query button to Donation records listing (available for donations made over 2 hours earlier).
2) Features: Automatically update old 'Pending' donation made via Billplz as 'Cancelled' if having no Billplz Bill ID (background process every 2 minutes).
3) UI: Add space to the button between 'Add more campaigns' and 'PROCEED PAYMENT' at 'Your Donation Cart' page.
4) Technical features: Add constant to define donation checkout form modal.
Version: 2.1.18
Date: 30 August 2022
Time: 10:00 am (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix total collection amount for campaigns displayed at the landing page.
Version: 2.1.17
Date: 1 August 2022
Time: 07:15 am (MYT)
1) UX: Improvise donation checkout form to simplify anonymous and registered donor profile.
Version: 2.1.16
Date: 17 June 2022
Time: 12:35 am (MYT)
1) Features: Export records to CSV for donation records listing.
Version: 2.1.15
Date: 14 June 2022
Time: 09:40 pm (MYT)
1) Enhancement: Permit sending donation data to MySedeqah even for non-production environment since the platforms' Sandbox is online.
2) Enhancement: Queue sending donation data to MySedeqah for 'Cancelled' donation.
3) Features: Finalize online credit card donation (overseas) for BerryPay.
Version: 2.1.14
Date: 31 May 2022
Time: 03:15 am (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix issue while scheduling to cancel donations made during Billplz have issues with Heroku CDN (related to their server got DDoS attack).
2) Security: Revoke 'Super Administrator' permissions from 'Administrator' for 'public' and 'any' related default ACL.
3) Features: Schedule to cancel donations made during Billplz have issues with Heroku CDN (Application Under Maintenance notice) (related to their server got DDoS attack).
4) Security: Fix issues regarding user and ACL management modules. New user creation, and user modification by higher rank user is now available.
Version: 2.1.13
Date: 30 May 2022
Time: 01:55 am (MYT)
1) Features: Schedule to cancel donations made during Billplz have issues with Heroku CDN (related to their server got DDoS attack).
Version: 2.1.12
Date: 29 May 2022
Time: 05:25 pm (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix code to manage cancelling payment transactions if having Billplz server issue during the integration.
2) Features: User 'salutation' in the database was changed from compulsory to optional.
3) Security: Prevent 'Administrator' to have full privileges on User Role records management module since we have 'Super Administrator'.
4) Debug: Fix code to set auto-Unsuccessful for any payment transaction that kept Pending for more than 60 minutes.
Version: 2.1.11
Date: 28 May 2022
Time: 09:00 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Schedule to cancel donations made if having problem during connection to Billplz server.
Version: 2.1.10
Date: 28 May 2022
Time: 08:45 pm (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix code that failed while changing buggy donation status from 'Pending' to 'Cancelled'.
Version: 2.1.9
Date: 27 May 2022
Time: 03:10 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Re-schedule to synchronize donations from MySedeqah server on five (5) minutes.
2) Features: Schedule to cancel donations made during Billplz server got attacked.
Version: 2.1.8
Date: 27 May 2022
Time: 02:35 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Re-schedule to synchronize donations from MySedeqah server on every minute.
2) Enhancement: Use donation ID obtained from MySedeqah 'getdonations' API response as the donation items at the donation page.
Version: 2.1.7
Date: 27 May 2022
Time: 09:20 am (MYT)
1) Enhancement: Display error message for the 'Cancelled' payment transactions at Donation records listing.
2) Features: Schedule to perform re-query for payment transactions those were having error during integration process.
Version: 2.1.6
Date: 26 May 2022
Time: 02:55 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Attempt to capture donor bank name from BerryPay API response for transactions made using FPX BerryPay.
2) Debug: Fix undefined variable during Campaign, Fund, Sector, and Donation type synchronization from MySedeqah.
3) Enhancement: Switch to database Queue from Redis due to a better performance based on the current server specifications.
4) Features: Consider to perform transaction status re-query for Credit Card (Billplz) and eWallet (Billplz).
Version: 2.1.5
Date: 25 May 2022
Time: 10:35 pm (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix features to 'Integrate donation data to MySedeqah' at Donation records listing that having no associated 'MySedeqah integrated donations'.
2) Features: Consider 'Pending' donation payment transactions made using Credit Card (Billplz) and eWallet (Billplz) re-query into the scheduler.
Version: 2.1.4
Date: 23 May 2022
Time: 01:30 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Make payment method rules for Credit Card (Billplz) - Paydee ready for the donation page.
2) Features: Make payment method rules for eWallet (Billplz) - GrabPay, Touch n Go, Boost, and ShopeePay ready for the donation page.
Version: 2.1.3
Date: 22 May 2022
Time: 10:45 am (MYT)
1) Debug: Resolve various unhandled exceptions due to Billplz service unavailability (March 20th around 08:00 am).
2) Enhancement: Revise cron-related features for transaction status re-query (March 20th around 09:00 am).
3) Enhancement: Revise codes for BerryPay (March 23rd around 04:00 pm).
4) Features: Add Sponsorship Executor module (March 23rd around 05:00 pm).
5) Features: Add Payment Method search filter at Donation records listing (March 29th around 05:00 pm).
6) Features: Add MySedeqah donation integration logs for 'Staff' and higher user roles at Donation records listing (March 29th around 05:00 pm).
7) Enhancement: Revise the scheduler and re-query rules for donation data integration to MySedeqah (March 30th around 12:00 am).
8) Debug: Replace 'now()' with 'created_at' timestamp for better transaction date-time purposes for payment transaction records (March 30th around 02:00 am).
9) Debug: Fix donation payment records those are related to the soft-deleted payment methods (March 30th around 04:00 am).
10) Debug: Fix rules to set 'auto-unsuccessful' transaction (March 30th around 04:30 am).
11) Debug: Fix issue of User Activity Log records listing module unable to be loaded due to large data for 'causer' (March 30th around 05:00 am).
12) Enhancement: Use variant 2 / alternative variant to handle re-query of payment transactions to MySedeqah (March 30th around 06:30 am).
13) Debug: Fix URL segmentation issues for non-API response for Campaign module (March 31st around 02:30 am).
14) Enhancement: Add MySedeqah-integrated donation records search filter for Donation records listing (March 31st around 11:30 am).
15) Enhancement: Prevent from inserting Campaign records with NULL code obtained from MySedeqah (April 1st around 12:40 am).
16) Features: Hard-code Facebook pixel at the page template (April 6th around 02:00 am).
17) Features: Add FPX Kpay by Konsortium ICT Pantai Timur as a Payment Method (April 6th around 02:00 am).
18) Debug: Handle soft-deleted records search filter at the search decorator (April 6th around 02:00 am).
19) Debug: Fix user role-related search filter at User records listing module (April 7th around 01:30 pm).
20) Features: Add 'referralTag' search filter for Donation records listing (April 11th around 09:45 pm).
21) Debug: Fix non-existence 'referralTag' property for Donation records while integrating post-payment transaction (April 14th around 01:20 am).
22) Enhancement: Display MySedeqah donation integration logs in descending order at Donation records listing module (April 14th around 02:15 am).
23) Features: Add features to handle MySedeqah donation data integration (April 14th around 09:20 am).
24) Debug: Fix Survey edit module due to unable record modification (April 19th around 09:20 am).
25) Debug: Fix previous URL redirection for authenticated user (May 18th around 04:20 am).
26) Features: Handle donation made via FPX Credit Card and FPX eWallet.
27) Enhancement: Use donation reference number as the 'description' for Billplz payment method.
28) Enhancement: Simplify input validation for payment transactions creation between 'Online' and 'Offline' payment methods.
29) Features: Add option to show campaigns at the landing page or not. Default is 'not shown'.
Version: 2.1.2
Date: 18 March 2022
Time: 12:15 pm (MYT)
1) Debug: Handle BerryPay body response instead of only JSON.
2) Features: Initialize BerryPay credit card payment method.
Version: 2.1.1
Date: 15 March 2022
Time: 10:00 am (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix invalid acknowledgement page at Donation records listing.
2) Debug: Fix missing non-anonymous donor in user records.
Version: 2.1.0
Date: 15 March 2022
Time: 03:40 am (MYT)
1) Features: Handle transaction re-query for VenturePay / MySedeqah (March 9th 05:45 MYT).
2) Debug: Translate transaction status from BerryPay using the status message instead of status ID after getting re-query response (March 9th 06:15 MYT).
3) UX: Fix donation payment transaction status for VenturePay / MySedeqah at the transaction acknowledgement receipt (March 9th 06:40 MYT).
4) Debug: Fix bugs of invalid phone number supplied during creating new bill at Billplz (March 9th 09:50 MYT).
5) UX: Improvise AJAX error message handling for invalid phone number supplied to Billplz (March 9th 09:52 MYT).
6) Features: Prepare for Sponsorship module launch at the end of March 2022.
7) UI/UX: Improvise various UI/UX features.
Version: 2.0.23
Date: 08 March 2022
Time: 03:06 am (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix non-working campaignGoalSeeder (March 4th 06:24 MYT).
2) UI/UX: Fix UI flickering screen occurred due to BootStrap tooltip (March 7th 16:59 MYT).
3) Features: Add transaction status re-query for BerryPay (March 7th 18:24 MYT).
4) Features: Enhance online donation post-transaction script (March 8th 00:16 MYT).
5) Features: Add MySedeqah 'referraltag' API parameter for 'Add new donation'.
6) UX: Add '-sandbox-' prefix to donation reference number for non-production donation page.
Version: 2.0.22
Date: 04 March 2022
Time: 06:10 am (MYT)
1) Features: Re-enable campaign synchronization from MySedeqah (February 28th 17:41 MYT).
2) Features: Add BerryPay and VenturePay (formerly known as MySedeqah) payment method.
Version: 2.0.21
Date: 23 February 2022
Time: 05:00 am (MYT)
1) Features: Perform payment transaction status re-query for donations made via FPX Billplz.
Version: 2.0.20
Date: 17 February 2022
Time: 01:38 pm (MYT)
1) Temporary workaround: Stop schedule to pull campaigns from MySedeqah.
Version: 2.0.19
Date: 16 February 2022
Time: 01:55 am (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix limited donation records listing for user roles with 'display any donation' permission.
Version: 2.0.18
Date: 08 February 2022
Time: 10:38 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Assign the default referral tag if donor access directly to the donation page.
Version: 2.0.17
Date: 08 February 2022
Time: 08:50 pm (MYT)
1) UX: Display referral / introducer to specific user roles.
Version: 2.0.16
Date: 08 February 2022
Time: 08:33 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Handle referral tag / introducer.
Version: 2.0.15
Date: 08 February 2022
Time: 03:50 am (MYT)
1) UI: Handle payment transactions between Billplz and MySedeqah FPX direct MyCARE at payment transaction receipt.
Version: 2.0.14
Date: 08 February 2022
Time: 03:30 am (MYT)
1) Features: Handle payment transactions between Billplz and MySedeqah FPX direct MyCARE.
Version: 2.0.13
Date: 07 February 2022
Time: 05:30 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Enable 'fpx_billplz' as available payment method.
Version: 2.0.12
Date: 26 January 2022
Time: 02:48 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Redirect users to version 1 MyQurbani features.
Version: 2.0.11
Date: 23 January 2022
Time: 07:40 pm (MYT)
1) Enhancement: Pull donations from MySedeqah once a year without overlapping.
Version: 2.0.10
Date: 23 January 2022
Time: 09:05 am (MYT)
1) Enhancement: Revert pulling donations from 10 to 1 minute without overlapping.
Version: 2.0.9
Date: 23 January 2022
Time: 08:50 am (MYT)
1) Enhancement: Delay pull donations (donation items) data from MySedeqah server from 1 to 10 minutes.
Version: 2.0.8
Date: 23 January 2022
Time: 07:30 am (MYT)
1) Enhancement: Log 'time' to pull donors data from MySedeqah server.
Version: 2.0.7
Date: 23 January 2022
Time: 06:30 am (MYT)
1) Data migration: Pull donors data from MySedeqah server (background process).
Version: 2.0.6
Date: 19 January 2022
Time: 05:05 am (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix query while checking for the latest pulled donation items from MySedeqah server.
Version: 2.0.5
Date: 19 January 2022
Time: 04:38 am (MYT)
1) Data migration: Synchronize (pull) donations (donation items) data from MySedeqah server.
2) Correction: Make correction release date for version 2.0.4
Version: 2.0.4
Date: 17 January 2022
Time: 12:30 am (MYT)
1) Features: Permit specific user roles to filter 'user roles' at User records listing module.
2) Features: Permit specific user roles to filter 'category unique user' at User Activity Log records listing module.
3) UX: Enhance user search filter by 'name contains', 'tel contains', 'NRID contains', and 'email contains' at User records listing module.
Version: 2.0.3
Date: 14 January 2022
Time: 05:06 pm (MYT)
1) Debug: Redirect to the campaign goals list with the previously specified campaign ID after updating.
2) Debug: Redirect to the campaign donation amount options list with the previously specified campaign ID after updating.
Version: 2.0.2
Date: 10 January 2022
Time: 11:00 am (MYT)
1) Features: Add Billplz bill ID search filter at Donation records listing.
2) Features: Add Donor full name 'contains' search filter at Donation records listing.
3) Features: Add Transaction status search filter at Donation records listing.
4) UI/UX: Add 'Search filter' button instead of displaying the whole search filters at Donation records listing.
5) UX: Decreate line spacing between version release at release_notes.txt
6) Features: Read version from release_notes.txt instead of .env file on release updates.
Version: 2.0.1
Date: 9 January 2022
Time: 05:30 am (MYT)
1) Security: Mask the logged encrypted password with *** at User Activity Log records listing module.
2) Security: Display the logged HTTP headers to only higher rank user roles at User Activity Log records listing module.
3) UI: Bring 'in category' to the 2nd row for the search filter at User Activity Log records listing module.
4) UX: Add this release notes document.
5) UX: Update hyperlink from 'Coming soon' to this release notes document at the footer.
Version: 2.0.0
Date: 8 January 2022
Time: 04:00 am (MYT)
1) Initial release.