Tabung Bina Semula Gaza
Genosid di Gaza telah menyebabkan kerosakan besar-besaran di wilayah Palestin itu. Menurut data Pejabat Koordinasi Hal Ehwal Kemanusiaan PBB (UNOCHA), setakat 15 Januari 2025 serangan Israel telah menyebabkan 92% rumah kediaman, 88% sekolah, 68% jalan raya dan 68% tanah pertanian musnah sementara hanya 50% hospital sahaja yang dapat berfungsi dengan baik.
Gencatan senjata yang berjaya dicapai pada 19 Januari 2025 memberi sinar baru kepada penduduk Gaza. Bantuan kemanusiaan telah mula dibenarkan masuk dan penduduk dibenarkan pulang ke kawasan kediaman mereka walaupun kebanyakan rumah telah pun musnah.
Kita telah menyaksikan genosid selama 470 hari tanpa henti. Kita juga sudah kehabisan air mata menangisi penderitaan yang dialami oleh rakyat Palestin di Gaza. Kini, genosid telah berjaya dihentikan. Sudah tiba masa untuk kita berhenti bersedih dan membantu untuk membina semula Gaza.
Jom, bantu Bina Semula Gaza!
Campaign code :
The items will be automatically added to your cart when you specify the quantity or amount.
You may simply click
More campaigns
button to donate another campaign, or click
if you wish to continue choosing your preferred payment method.
Related campaigns
Copyright © 2025 - Humanitarian Care Malaysia Berhad (Reg. no. 729288-P)
MyCARE Donation System version 2.3.20
Release Notes
Version: 2.3.20
Date: 18 October 2024
Time: 02:45 am (MYT)
1) Features: Add pop-up layer module in order to show rich-contents during the application maintenance (responsive UI).
Version: 2.3.19
Date: 16 October 2024
Time: 04:30 am (MYT)
1) Enhancement: Send appropriate data to Google Analytics for proper Google Ads Tracking purposes.
Version: 2.3.18
Date: 24 September 2024
Time: 07:45 am (MYT)
1) Features: Permit the administrator to delete or restore payment transaction records at donation records listing.
2) Enhancement: Trigger Meta Pixel event action when the transaction acknowledgement page was properly loaded.
3) Debug: Fix the UTC transaction time sent to Google Analytics version 4. Converted to Malaysia Timezone instead.
Version: 2.3.17
Date: 22 September 2024
Time: 08:15 am (MYT)
1) Features: Add Ads Tag Event Trigger / conversion tracking for Google Analytics and Meta Pixel module.
Version: 2.3.16
Date: 14 June 2024
Time: 10:15 am (MYT)
1) Features: Add Ads Tag module.
Version: 2.3.15
Date: 14 June 2024
Time: 09:00 am (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix issue of inappropriate Qurban data (book quantity = 0) not sent to MySedeqah.
Version: 2.3.14
Date: 31 May 2024
Time: 01:30 am (MYT)
1) Features: Add module to let the administrator customize document title for specific page.
Version: 2.3.13
Date: 14 March 2024
Time: 04:00 am (MYT)
1) Performance: Improvise database queries to load donation cart items, and campaigns at the landing page.
Version: 2.3.12
Date: 13 March 2024
Time: 06:10 am (MYT)
1) Performance: Improvise database queries to load campaigns on the landing page, and donation records listing.
Version: 2.3.11
Date: 18 December 2023
Time: 06:30 pm (MYT)
1) Revision: Update Google Tag with the advise from Google team.
2) Debug: Update background process that handle to fetch deleted campaign information.
Version: 2.3.10
Date: 25 October 2023
Time: 09:45 pm (MYT)
1) Performance: Reduce MyCARE header logo file size in order to speed-up page loading.
Version: 2.3.9
Date: 25 October 2023
Time: 10:15 am (MYT)
1) Security: Fix authorization for donor to view only his / her own donation record.
Version: 2.3.8
Date: 25 October 2023
Time: 09:40 am (MYT)
1) UX: Add configurable management fee notice (display) module.
Version: 2.3.7
Date: 25 August 2023
Time: 02:50 pm (MYT)
1) UX: Improvise administrative function to perform campaign donation amount options deletion and restoration.
2) UX: Permit Sponsorship item deletion from the donation cart instead of individual beneficiary removal at Sponsorship landing page.
Version: 2.3.6
Date: 21 July 2023
Time: 10:30 pm (MYT)
1) UX: Append provider name after payment method label at Donation records listing search filter.
2) Debug: Fix any Qurban donation with 0 book parts.
3) Features: Improvise Billplz transaction status re-query to perform bill checking instead of only transaction status checking.
4) Debug: Fix issue of unbalance donation amount at Billplz transacted donation amount.
5) Revision: Update of Google Tag.
Version: 2.3.5
Date: 23 June 2023
Time: 02:00 am (MYT)
1) UX: Add types of campaign (General donation, MyQurbani, Sponsorship, and Volunteer - Temporarily hidden due to the not-present module) navigator bar (for desktop view), and dropdown bar (for mobile view) at the header section.
2) UI: 'Help' icon at the top right is replaced with 'User Guideline' at the dropdown bar (for mobile view). It is temporarily hidden for desktop view.
3) UX: Use 'minimalis form' for MyQurbani checkout form (similar to General Donation checkout form).
4) UX: Improvise 'Make Payment' button clicked action (at the checkout form for General Donation, MyQurbani, and Sponsorship) to highlight required field if the field is empty.
Version: 2.3.4
Date: 16 June 2023
Time: 09:00 am (MYT)
1) UX: Prevent 'NaN' from being displayed upon 'Checkout' button clicked for Sponsorship module.
2) UX: Use 'You may also be interested' phrase for cross-sell module.
Version: 2.3.3
Date: 26 May 2023
Time: 09:40 am (MYT)
1) UX: Add 'New Sponsorship' and 'Existing Sponsorship' buttons to simplify Sponsor while making Sponsorship.
2) Features: Remove middle name field for donor name. Any information will be merged to the first name.
Version: 2.3.2
Date: 19 May 2023
Time: 04:00 am (MYT)
1) Features: Add cross-sell campaigns features at donation cart review page.
2) UX: Remove 'Other campaigns' button at Qurban donation form.
Version: 2.3.1
Date: 12 May 2023
Time: 05:00 am (MYT)
1) Feature updates: For the time being, MySedeqah is able to differentiate between 'qurbantype' of 'Qurban' and 'Akikah' via /api/Donors/Create API.
2) Features: Release of Sponsorship module to the sandbox.
Version: 2.2.2
Date: 06 April 2023
Time: 06:00 am (MYT)
1) Features: Release of Qurban and Akikah module to the sandbox. For the time being, MySedeqah is still unable to differentiate between 'qurbantype' of 'Qurban' and 'Akikah' via /api/Donors/Create API.
Version: 2.2.1
Date: 19 December 2022
Time: 03:50 am (MYT)
1) Features: Add statistic for Qurban packages based on the specified Hijri year for Qurban module.
Version: 2.2.0
Date: 13 December 2022
Time: 01:30 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Activate Qurban and Akikah module.
Version: 2.1.21
Date: 12 October 2022
Time: 10:15 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Add Youtube video ID as alternative to Survey form as the post-transaction features.
2) UX: Display either Survey form or Youtube video as the post-transaction features.
Version: 2.1.20
Date: 26 September 2022
Time: 01:20 am (MYT)
1) UI: Revise colour for payment option buttons, radio buttons (for Safari web browser to become more user-friendly), and text colours at the donation checkout form.
2) UI: Change button attributes for 'Return to your cart' and 'Proceed Payment' button at the donation checkout form.
3) UI: Change 'Proceed Payment' button to 'Make Payment' at the donation checkout form.
4) UI: Prioritize 'Make Payment' button for mobile view at the donation checkout form.
Version: 2.1.19
Date: 15 September 2022
Time: 01:15 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Add individual donation transaction re-query button to Donation records listing (available for donations made over 2 hours earlier).
2) Features: Automatically update old 'Pending' donation made via Billplz as 'Cancelled' if having no Billplz Bill ID (background process every 2 minutes).
3) UI: Add space to the button between 'Add more campaigns' and 'PROCEED PAYMENT' at 'Your Donation Cart' page.
4) Technical features: Add constant to define donation checkout form modal.
Version: 2.1.18
Date: 30 August 2022
Time: 10:00 am (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix total collection amount for campaigns displayed at the landing page.
Version: 2.1.17
Date: 1 August 2022
Time: 07:15 am (MYT)
1) UX: Improvise donation checkout form to simplify anonymous and registered donor profile.
Version: 2.1.16
Date: 17 June 2022
Time: 12:35 am (MYT)
1) Features: Export records to CSV for donation records listing.
Version: 2.1.15
Date: 14 June 2022
Time: 09:40 pm (MYT)
1) Enhancement: Permit sending donation data to MySedeqah even for non-production environment since the platforms' Sandbox is online.
2) Enhancement: Queue sending donation data to MySedeqah for 'Cancelled' donation.
3) Features: Finalize online credit card donation (overseas) for BerryPay.
Version: 2.1.14
Date: 31 May 2022
Time: 03:15 am (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix issue while scheduling to cancel donations made during Billplz have issues with Heroku CDN (related to their server got DDoS attack).
2) Security: Revoke 'Super Administrator' permissions from 'Administrator' for 'public' and 'any' related default ACL.
3) Features: Schedule to cancel donations made during Billplz have issues with Heroku CDN (Application Under Maintenance notice) (related to their server got DDoS attack).
4) Security: Fix issues regarding user and ACL management modules. New user creation, and user modification by higher rank user is now available.
Version: 2.1.13
Date: 30 May 2022
Time: 01:55 am (MYT)
1) Features: Schedule to cancel donations made during Billplz have issues with Heroku CDN (related to their server got DDoS attack).
Version: 2.1.12
Date: 29 May 2022
Time: 05:25 pm (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix code to manage cancelling payment transactions if having Billplz server issue during the integration.
2) Features: User 'salutation' in the database was changed from compulsory to optional.
3) Security: Prevent 'Administrator' to have full privileges on User Role records management module since we have 'Super Administrator'.
4) Debug: Fix code to set auto-Unsuccessful for any payment transaction that kept Pending for more than 60 minutes.
Version: 2.1.11
Date: 28 May 2022
Time: 09:00 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Schedule to cancel donations made if having problem during connection to Billplz server.
Version: 2.1.10
Date: 28 May 2022
Time: 08:45 pm (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix code that failed while changing buggy donation status from 'Pending' to 'Cancelled'.
Version: 2.1.9
Date: 27 May 2022
Time: 03:10 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Re-schedule to synchronize donations from MySedeqah server on five (5) minutes.
2) Features: Schedule to cancel donations made during Billplz server got attacked.
Version: 2.1.8
Date: 27 May 2022
Time: 02:35 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Re-schedule to synchronize donations from MySedeqah server on every minute.
2) Enhancement: Use donation ID obtained from MySedeqah 'getdonations' API response as the donation items at the donation page.
Version: 2.1.7
Date: 27 May 2022
Time: 09:20 am (MYT)
1) Enhancement: Display error message for the 'Cancelled' payment transactions at Donation records listing.
2) Features: Schedule to perform re-query for payment transactions those were having error during integration process.
Version: 2.1.6
Date: 26 May 2022
Time: 02:55 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Attempt to capture donor bank name from BerryPay API response for transactions made using FPX BerryPay.
2) Debug: Fix undefined variable during Campaign, Fund, Sector, and Donation type synchronization from MySedeqah.
3) Enhancement: Switch to database Queue from Redis due to a better performance based on the current server specifications.
4) Features: Consider to perform transaction status re-query for Credit Card (Billplz) and eWallet (Billplz).
Version: 2.1.5
Date: 25 May 2022
Time: 10:35 pm (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix features to 'Integrate donation data to MySedeqah' at Donation records listing that having no associated 'MySedeqah integrated donations'.
2) Features: Consider 'Pending' donation payment transactions made using Credit Card (Billplz) and eWallet (Billplz) re-query into the scheduler.
Version: 2.1.4
Date: 23 May 2022
Time: 01:30 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Make payment method rules for Credit Card (Billplz) - Paydee ready for the donation page.
2) Features: Make payment method rules for eWallet (Billplz) - GrabPay, Touch n Go, Boost, and ShopeePay ready for the donation page.
Version: 2.1.3
Date: 22 May 2022
Time: 10:45 am (MYT)
1) Debug: Resolve various unhandled exceptions due to Billplz service unavailability (March 20th around 08:00 am).
2) Enhancement: Revise cron-related features for transaction status re-query (March 20th around 09:00 am).
3) Enhancement: Revise codes for BerryPay (March 23rd around 04:00 pm).
4) Features: Add Sponsorship Executor module (March 23rd around 05:00 pm).
5) Features: Add Payment Method search filter at Donation records listing (March 29th around 05:00 pm).
6) Features: Add MySedeqah donation integration logs for 'Staff' and higher user roles at Donation records listing (March 29th around 05:00 pm).
7) Enhancement: Revise the scheduler and re-query rules for donation data integration to MySedeqah (March 30th around 12:00 am).
8) Debug: Replace 'now()' with 'created_at' timestamp for better transaction date-time purposes for payment transaction records (March 30th around 02:00 am).
9) Debug: Fix donation payment records those are related to the soft-deleted payment methods (March 30th around 04:00 am).
10) Debug: Fix rules to set 'auto-unsuccessful' transaction (March 30th around 04:30 am).
11) Debug: Fix issue of User Activity Log records listing module unable to be loaded due to large data for 'causer' (March 30th around 05:00 am).
12) Enhancement: Use variant 2 / alternative variant to handle re-query of payment transactions to MySedeqah (March 30th around 06:30 am).
13) Debug: Fix URL segmentation issues for non-API response for Campaign module (March 31st around 02:30 am).
14) Enhancement: Add MySedeqah-integrated donation records search filter for Donation records listing (March 31st around 11:30 am).
15) Enhancement: Prevent from inserting Campaign records with NULL code obtained from MySedeqah (April 1st around 12:40 am).
16) Features: Hard-code Facebook pixel at the page template (April 6th around 02:00 am).
17) Features: Add FPX Kpay by Konsortium ICT Pantai Timur as a Payment Method (April 6th around 02:00 am).
18) Debug: Handle soft-deleted records search filter at the search decorator (April 6th around 02:00 am).
19) Debug: Fix user role-related search filter at User records listing module (April 7th around 01:30 pm).
20) Features: Add 'referralTag' search filter for Donation records listing (April 11th around 09:45 pm).
21) Debug: Fix non-existence 'referralTag' property for Donation records while integrating post-payment transaction (April 14th around 01:20 am).
22) Enhancement: Display MySedeqah donation integration logs in descending order at Donation records listing module (April 14th around 02:15 am).
23) Features: Add features to handle MySedeqah donation data integration (April 14th around 09:20 am).
24) Debug: Fix Survey edit module due to unable record modification (April 19th around 09:20 am).
25) Debug: Fix previous URL redirection for authenticated user (May 18th around 04:20 am).
26) Features: Handle donation made via FPX Credit Card and FPX eWallet.
27) Enhancement: Use donation reference number as the 'description' for Billplz payment method.
28) Enhancement: Simplify input validation for payment transactions creation between 'Online' and 'Offline' payment methods.
29) Features: Add option to show campaigns at the landing page or not. Default is 'not shown'.
Version: 2.1.2
Date: 18 March 2022
Time: 12:15 pm (MYT)
1) Debug: Handle BerryPay body response instead of only JSON.
2) Features: Initialize BerryPay credit card payment method.
Version: 2.1.1
Date: 15 March 2022
Time: 10:00 am (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix invalid acknowledgement page at Donation records listing.
2) Debug: Fix missing non-anonymous donor in user records.
Version: 2.1.0
Date: 15 March 2022
Time: 03:40 am (MYT)
1) Features: Handle transaction re-query for VenturePay / MySedeqah (March 9th 05:45 MYT).
2) Debug: Translate transaction status from BerryPay using the status message instead of status ID after getting re-query response (March 9th 06:15 MYT).
3) UX: Fix donation payment transaction status for VenturePay / MySedeqah at the transaction acknowledgement receipt (March 9th 06:40 MYT).
4) Debug: Fix bugs of invalid phone number supplied during creating new bill at Billplz (March 9th 09:50 MYT).
5) UX: Improvise AJAX error message handling for invalid phone number supplied to Billplz (March 9th 09:52 MYT).
6) Features: Prepare for Sponsorship module launch at the end of March 2022.
7) UI/UX: Improvise various UI/UX features.
Version: 2.0.23
Date: 08 March 2022
Time: 03:06 am (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix non-working campaignGoalSeeder (March 4th 06:24 MYT).
2) UI/UX: Fix UI flickering screen occurred due to BootStrap tooltip (March 7th 16:59 MYT).
3) Features: Add transaction status re-query for BerryPay (March 7th 18:24 MYT).
4) Features: Enhance online donation post-transaction script (March 8th 00:16 MYT).
5) Features: Add MySedeqah 'referraltag' API parameter for 'Add new donation'.
6) UX: Add '-sandbox-' prefix to donation reference number for non-production donation page.
Version: 2.0.22
Date: 04 March 2022
Time: 06:10 am (MYT)
1) Features: Re-enable campaign synchronization from MySedeqah (February 28th 17:41 MYT).
2) Features: Add BerryPay and VenturePay (formerly known as MySedeqah) payment method.
Version: 2.0.21
Date: 23 February 2022
Time: 05:00 am (MYT)
1) Features: Perform payment transaction status re-query for donations made via FPX Billplz.
Version: 2.0.20
Date: 17 February 2022
Time: 01:38 pm (MYT)
1) Temporary workaround: Stop schedule to pull campaigns from MySedeqah.
Version: 2.0.19
Date: 16 February 2022
Time: 01:55 am (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix limited donation records listing for user roles with 'display any donation' permission.
Version: 2.0.18
Date: 08 February 2022
Time: 10:38 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Assign the default referral tag if donor access directly to the donation page.
Version: 2.0.17
Date: 08 February 2022
Time: 08:50 pm (MYT)
1) UX: Display referral / introducer to specific user roles.
Version: 2.0.16
Date: 08 February 2022
Time: 08:33 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Handle referral tag / introducer.
Version: 2.0.15
Date: 08 February 2022
Time: 03:50 am (MYT)
1) UI: Handle payment transactions between Billplz and MySedeqah FPX direct MyCARE at payment transaction receipt.
Version: 2.0.14
Date: 08 February 2022
Time: 03:30 am (MYT)
1) Features: Handle payment transactions between Billplz and MySedeqah FPX direct MyCARE.
Version: 2.0.13
Date: 07 February 2022
Time: 05:30 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Enable 'fpx_billplz' as available payment method.
Version: 2.0.12
Date: 26 January 2022
Time: 02:48 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Redirect users to version 1 MyQurbani features.
Version: 2.0.11
Date: 23 January 2022
Time: 07:40 pm (MYT)
1) Enhancement: Pull donations from MySedeqah once a year without overlapping.
Version: 2.0.10
Date: 23 January 2022
Time: 09:05 am (MYT)
1) Enhancement: Revert pulling donations from 10 to 1 minute without overlapping.
Version: 2.0.9
Date: 23 January 2022
Time: 08:50 am (MYT)
1) Enhancement: Delay pull donations (donation items) data from MySedeqah server from 1 to 10 minutes.
Version: 2.0.8
Date: 23 January 2022
Time: 07:30 am (MYT)
1) Enhancement: Log 'time' to pull donors data from MySedeqah server.
Version: 2.0.7
Date: 23 January 2022
Time: 06:30 am (MYT)
1) Data migration: Pull donors data from MySedeqah server (background process).
Version: 2.0.6
Date: 19 January 2022
Time: 05:05 am (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix query while checking for the latest pulled donation items from MySedeqah server.
Version: 2.0.5
Date: 19 January 2022
Time: 04:38 am (MYT)
1) Data migration: Synchronize (pull) donations (donation items) data from MySedeqah server.
2) Correction: Make correction release date for version 2.0.4
Version: 2.0.4
Date: 17 January 2022
Time: 12:30 am (MYT)
1) Features: Permit specific user roles to filter 'user roles' at User records listing module.
2) Features: Permit specific user roles to filter 'category unique user' at User Activity Log records listing module.
3) UX: Enhance user search filter by 'name contains', 'tel contains', 'NRID contains', and 'email contains' at User records listing module.
Version: 2.0.3
Date: 14 January 2022
Time: 05:06 pm (MYT)
1) Debug: Redirect to the campaign goals list with the previously specified campaign ID after updating.
2) Debug: Redirect to the campaign donation amount options list with the previously specified campaign ID after updating.
Version: 2.0.2
Date: 10 January 2022
Time: 11:00 am (MYT)
1) Features: Add Billplz bill ID search filter at Donation records listing.
2) Features: Add Donor full name 'contains' search filter at Donation records listing.
3) Features: Add Transaction status search filter at Donation records listing.
4) UI/UX: Add 'Search filter' button instead of displaying the whole search filters at Donation records listing.
5) UX: Decreate line spacing between version release at release_notes.txt
6) Features: Read version from release_notes.txt instead of .env file on release updates.
Version: 2.0.1
Date: 9 January 2022
Time: 05:30 am (MYT)
1) Security: Mask the logged encrypted password with *** at User Activity Log records listing module.
2) Security: Display the logged HTTP headers to only higher rank user roles at User Activity Log records listing module.
3) UI: Bring 'in category' to the 2nd row for the search filter at User Activity Log records listing module.
4) UX: Add this release notes document.
5) UX: Update hyperlink from 'Coming soon' to this release notes document at the footer.
Version: 2.0.0
Date: 8 January 2022
Time: 04:00 am (MYT)
1) Initial release.
Date: 18 October 2024
Time: 02:45 am (MYT)
1) Features: Add pop-up layer module in order to show rich-contents during the application maintenance (responsive UI).
Version: 2.3.19
Date: 16 October 2024
Time: 04:30 am (MYT)
1) Enhancement: Send appropriate data to Google Analytics for proper Google Ads Tracking purposes.
Version: 2.3.18
Date: 24 September 2024
Time: 07:45 am (MYT)
1) Features: Permit the administrator to delete or restore payment transaction records at donation records listing.
2) Enhancement: Trigger Meta Pixel event action when the transaction acknowledgement page was properly loaded.
3) Debug: Fix the UTC transaction time sent to Google Analytics version 4. Converted to Malaysia Timezone instead.
Version: 2.3.17
Date: 22 September 2024
Time: 08:15 am (MYT)
1) Features: Add Ads Tag Event Trigger / conversion tracking for Google Analytics and Meta Pixel module.
Version: 2.3.16
Date: 14 June 2024
Time: 10:15 am (MYT)
1) Features: Add Ads Tag module.
Version: 2.3.15
Date: 14 June 2024
Time: 09:00 am (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix issue of inappropriate Qurban data (book quantity = 0) not sent to MySedeqah.
Version: 2.3.14
Date: 31 May 2024
Time: 01:30 am (MYT)
1) Features: Add module to let the administrator customize document title for specific page.
Version: 2.3.13
Date: 14 March 2024
Time: 04:00 am (MYT)
1) Performance: Improvise database queries to load donation cart items, and campaigns at the landing page.
Version: 2.3.12
Date: 13 March 2024
Time: 06:10 am (MYT)
1) Performance: Improvise database queries to load campaigns on the landing page, and donation records listing.
Version: 2.3.11
Date: 18 December 2023
Time: 06:30 pm (MYT)
1) Revision: Update Google Tag with the advise from Google team.
2) Debug: Update background process that handle to fetch deleted campaign information.
Version: 2.3.10
Date: 25 October 2023
Time: 09:45 pm (MYT)
1) Performance: Reduce MyCARE header logo file size in order to speed-up page loading.
Version: 2.3.9
Date: 25 October 2023
Time: 10:15 am (MYT)
1) Security: Fix authorization for donor to view only his / her own donation record.
Version: 2.3.8
Date: 25 October 2023
Time: 09:40 am (MYT)
1) UX: Add configurable management fee notice (display) module.
Version: 2.3.7
Date: 25 August 2023
Time: 02:50 pm (MYT)
1) UX: Improvise administrative function to perform campaign donation amount options deletion and restoration.
2) UX: Permit Sponsorship item deletion from the donation cart instead of individual beneficiary removal at Sponsorship landing page.
Version: 2.3.6
Date: 21 July 2023
Time: 10:30 pm (MYT)
1) UX: Append provider name after payment method label at Donation records listing search filter.
2) Debug: Fix any Qurban donation with 0 book parts.
3) Features: Improvise Billplz transaction status re-query to perform bill checking instead of only transaction status checking.
4) Debug: Fix issue of unbalance donation amount at Billplz transacted donation amount.
5) Revision: Update of Google Tag.
Version: 2.3.5
Date: 23 June 2023
Time: 02:00 am (MYT)
1) UX: Add types of campaign (General donation, MyQurbani, Sponsorship, and Volunteer - Temporarily hidden due to the not-present module) navigator bar (for desktop view), and dropdown bar (for mobile view) at the header section.
2) UI: 'Help' icon at the top right is replaced with 'User Guideline' at the dropdown bar (for mobile view). It is temporarily hidden for desktop view.
3) UX: Use 'minimalis form' for MyQurbani checkout form (similar to General Donation checkout form).
4) UX: Improvise 'Make Payment' button clicked action (at the checkout form for General Donation, MyQurbani, and Sponsorship) to highlight required field if the field is empty.
Version: 2.3.4
Date: 16 June 2023
Time: 09:00 am (MYT)
1) UX: Prevent 'NaN' from being displayed upon 'Checkout' button clicked for Sponsorship module.
2) UX: Use 'You may also be interested' phrase for cross-sell module.
Version: 2.3.3
Date: 26 May 2023
Time: 09:40 am (MYT)
1) UX: Add 'New Sponsorship' and 'Existing Sponsorship' buttons to simplify Sponsor while making Sponsorship.
2) Features: Remove middle name field for donor name. Any information will be merged to the first name.
Version: 2.3.2
Date: 19 May 2023
Time: 04:00 am (MYT)
1) Features: Add cross-sell campaigns features at donation cart review page.
2) UX: Remove 'Other campaigns' button at Qurban donation form.
Version: 2.3.1
Date: 12 May 2023
Time: 05:00 am (MYT)
1) Feature updates: For the time being, MySedeqah is able to differentiate between 'qurbantype' of 'Qurban' and 'Akikah' via /api/Donors/Create API.
2) Features: Release of Sponsorship module to the sandbox.
Version: 2.2.2
Date: 06 April 2023
Time: 06:00 am (MYT)
1) Features: Release of Qurban and Akikah module to the sandbox. For the time being, MySedeqah is still unable to differentiate between 'qurbantype' of 'Qurban' and 'Akikah' via /api/Donors/Create API.
Version: 2.2.1
Date: 19 December 2022
Time: 03:50 am (MYT)
1) Features: Add statistic for Qurban packages based on the specified Hijri year for Qurban module.
Version: 2.2.0
Date: 13 December 2022
Time: 01:30 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Activate Qurban and Akikah module.
Version: 2.1.21
Date: 12 October 2022
Time: 10:15 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Add Youtube video ID as alternative to Survey form as the post-transaction features.
2) UX: Display either Survey form or Youtube video as the post-transaction features.
Version: 2.1.20
Date: 26 September 2022
Time: 01:20 am (MYT)
1) UI: Revise colour for payment option buttons, radio buttons (for Safari web browser to become more user-friendly), and text colours at the donation checkout form.
2) UI: Change button attributes for 'Return to your cart' and 'Proceed Payment' button at the donation checkout form.
3) UI: Change 'Proceed Payment' button to 'Make Payment' at the donation checkout form.
4) UI: Prioritize 'Make Payment' button for mobile view at the donation checkout form.
Version: 2.1.19
Date: 15 September 2022
Time: 01:15 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Add individual donation transaction re-query button to Donation records listing (available for donations made over 2 hours earlier).
2) Features: Automatically update old 'Pending' donation made via Billplz as 'Cancelled' if having no Billplz Bill ID (background process every 2 minutes).
3) UI: Add space to the button between 'Add more campaigns' and 'PROCEED PAYMENT' at 'Your Donation Cart' page.
4) Technical features: Add constant to define donation checkout form modal.
Version: 2.1.18
Date: 30 August 2022
Time: 10:00 am (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix total collection amount for campaigns displayed at the landing page.
Version: 2.1.17
Date: 1 August 2022
Time: 07:15 am (MYT)
1) UX: Improvise donation checkout form to simplify anonymous and registered donor profile.
Version: 2.1.16
Date: 17 June 2022
Time: 12:35 am (MYT)
1) Features: Export records to CSV for donation records listing.
Version: 2.1.15
Date: 14 June 2022
Time: 09:40 pm (MYT)
1) Enhancement: Permit sending donation data to MySedeqah even for non-production environment since the platforms' Sandbox is online.
2) Enhancement: Queue sending donation data to MySedeqah for 'Cancelled' donation.
3) Features: Finalize online credit card donation (overseas) for BerryPay.
Version: 2.1.14
Date: 31 May 2022
Time: 03:15 am (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix issue while scheduling to cancel donations made during Billplz have issues with Heroku CDN (related to their server got DDoS attack).
2) Security: Revoke 'Super Administrator' permissions from 'Administrator' for 'public' and 'any' related default ACL.
3) Features: Schedule to cancel donations made during Billplz have issues with Heroku CDN (Application Under Maintenance notice) (related to their server got DDoS attack).
4) Security: Fix issues regarding user and ACL management modules. New user creation, and user modification by higher rank user is now available.
Version: 2.1.13
Date: 30 May 2022
Time: 01:55 am (MYT)
1) Features: Schedule to cancel donations made during Billplz have issues with Heroku CDN (related to their server got DDoS attack).
Version: 2.1.12
Date: 29 May 2022
Time: 05:25 pm (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix code to manage cancelling payment transactions if having Billplz server issue during the integration.
2) Features: User 'salutation' in the database was changed from compulsory to optional.
3) Security: Prevent 'Administrator' to have full privileges on User Role records management module since we have 'Super Administrator'.
4) Debug: Fix code to set auto-Unsuccessful for any payment transaction that kept Pending for more than 60 minutes.
Version: 2.1.11
Date: 28 May 2022
Time: 09:00 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Schedule to cancel donations made if having problem during connection to Billplz server.
Version: 2.1.10
Date: 28 May 2022
Time: 08:45 pm (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix code that failed while changing buggy donation status from 'Pending' to 'Cancelled'.
Version: 2.1.9
Date: 27 May 2022
Time: 03:10 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Re-schedule to synchronize donations from MySedeqah server on five (5) minutes.
2) Features: Schedule to cancel donations made during Billplz server got attacked.
Version: 2.1.8
Date: 27 May 2022
Time: 02:35 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Re-schedule to synchronize donations from MySedeqah server on every minute.
2) Enhancement: Use donation ID obtained from MySedeqah 'getdonations' API response as the donation items at the donation page.
Version: 2.1.7
Date: 27 May 2022
Time: 09:20 am (MYT)
1) Enhancement: Display error message for the 'Cancelled' payment transactions at Donation records listing.
2) Features: Schedule to perform re-query for payment transactions those were having error during integration process.
Version: 2.1.6
Date: 26 May 2022
Time: 02:55 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Attempt to capture donor bank name from BerryPay API response for transactions made using FPX BerryPay.
2) Debug: Fix undefined variable during Campaign, Fund, Sector, and Donation type synchronization from MySedeqah.
3) Enhancement: Switch to database Queue from Redis due to a better performance based on the current server specifications.
4) Features: Consider to perform transaction status re-query for Credit Card (Billplz) and eWallet (Billplz).
Version: 2.1.5
Date: 25 May 2022
Time: 10:35 pm (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix features to 'Integrate donation data to MySedeqah' at Donation records listing that having no associated 'MySedeqah integrated donations'.
2) Features: Consider 'Pending' donation payment transactions made using Credit Card (Billplz) and eWallet (Billplz) re-query into the scheduler.
Version: 2.1.4
Date: 23 May 2022
Time: 01:30 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Make payment method rules for Credit Card (Billplz) - Paydee ready for the donation page.
2) Features: Make payment method rules for eWallet (Billplz) - GrabPay, Touch n Go, Boost, and ShopeePay ready for the donation page.
Version: 2.1.3
Date: 22 May 2022
Time: 10:45 am (MYT)
1) Debug: Resolve various unhandled exceptions due to Billplz service unavailability (March 20th around 08:00 am).
2) Enhancement: Revise cron-related features for transaction status re-query (March 20th around 09:00 am).
3) Enhancement: Revise codes for BerryPay (March 23rd around 04:00 pm).
4) Features: Add Sponsorship Executor module (March 23rd around 05:00 pm).
5) Features: Add Payment Method search filter at Donation records listing (March 29th around 05:00 pm).
6) Features: Add MySedeqah donation integration logs for 'Staff' and higher user roles at Donation records listing (March 29th around 05:00 pm).
7) Enhancement: Revise the scheduler and re-query rules for donation data integration to MySedeqah (March 30th around 12:00 am).
8) Debug: Replace 'now()' with 'created_at' timestamp for better transaction date-time purposes for payment transaction records (March 30th around 02:00 am).
9) Debug: Fix donation payment records those are related to the soft-deleted payment methods (March 30th around 04:00 am).
10) Debug: Fix rules to set 'auto-unsuccessful' transaction (March 30th around 04:30 am).
11) Debug: Fix issue of User Activity Log records listing module unable to be loaded due to large data for 'causer' (March 30th around 05:00 am).
12) Enhancement: Use variant 2 / alternative variant to handle re-query of payment transactions to MySedeqah (March 30th around 06:30 am).
13) Debug: Fix URL segmentation issues for non-API response for Campaign module (March 31st around 02:30 am).
14) Enhancement: Add MySedeqah-integrated donation records search filter for Donation records listing (March 31st around 11:30 am).
15) Enhancement: Prevent from inserting Campaign records with NULL code obtained from MySedeqah (April 1st around 12:40 am).
16) Features: Hard-code Facebook pixel at the page template (April 6th around 02:00 am).
17) Features: Add FPX Kpay by Konsortium ICT Pantai Timur as a Payment Method (April 6th around 02:00 am).
18) Debug: Handle soft-deleted records search filter at the search decorator (April 6th around 02:00 am).
19) Debug: Fix user role-related search filter at User records listing module (April 7th around 01:30 pm).
20) Features: Add 'referralTag' search filter for Donation records listing (April 11th around 09:45 pm).
21) Debug: Fix non-existence 'referralTag' property for Donation records while integrating post-payment transaction (April 14th around 01:20 am).
22) Enhancement: Display MySedeqah donation integration logs in descending order at Donation records listing module (April 14th around 02:15 am).
23) Features: Add features to handle MySedeqah donation data integration (April 14th around 09:20 am).
24) Debug: Fix Survey edit module due to unable record modification (April 19th around 09:20 am).
25) Debug: Fix previous URL redirection for authenticated user (May 18th around 04:20 am).
26) Features: Handle donation made via FPX Credit Card and FPX eWallet.
27) Enhancement: Use donation reference number as the 'description' for Billplz payment method.
28) Enhancement: Simplify input validation for payment transactions creation between 'Online' and 'Offline' payment methods.
29) Features: Add option to show campaigns at the landing page or not. Default is 'not shown'.
Version: 2.1.2
Date: 18 March 2022
Time: 12:15 pm (MYT)
1) Debug: Handle BerryPay body response instead of only JSON.
2) Features: Initialize BerryPay credit card payment method.
Version: 2.1.1
Date: 15 March 2022
Time: 10:00 am (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix invalid acknowledgement page at Donation records listing.
2) Debug: Fix missing non-anonymous donor in user records.
Version: 2.1.0
Date: 15 March 2022
Time: 03:40 am (MYT)
1) Features: Handle transaction re-query for VenturePay / MySedeqah (March 9th 05:45 MYT).
2) Debug: Translate transaction status from BerryPay using the status message instead of status ID after getting re-query response (March 9th 06:15 MYT).
3) UX: Fix donation payment transaction status for VenturePay / MySedeqah at the transaction acknowledgement receipt (March 9th 06:40 MYT).
4) Debug: Fix bugs of invalid phone number supplied during creating new bill at Billplz (March 9th 09:50 MYT).
5) UX: Improvise AJAX error message handling for invalid phone number supplied to Billplz (March 9th 09:52 MYT).
6) Features: Prepare for Sponsorship module launch at the end of March 2022.
7) UI/UX: Improvise various UI/UX features.
Version: 2.0.23
Date: 08 March 2022
Time: 03:06 am (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix non-working campaignGoalSeeder (March 4th 06:24 MYT).
2) UI/UX: Fix UI flickering screen occurred due to BootStrap tooltip (March 7th 16:59 MYT).
3) Features: Add transaction status re-query for BerryPay (March 7th 18:24 MYT).
4) Features: Enhance online donation post-transaction script (March 8th 00:16 MYT).
5) Features: Add MySedeqah 'referraltag' API parameter for 'Add new donation'.
6) UX: Add '-sandbox-' prefix to donation reference number for non-production donation page.
Version: 2.0.22
Date: 04 March 2022
Time: 06:10 am (MYT)
1) Features: Re-enable campaign synchronization from MySedeqah (February 28th 17:41 MYT).
2) Features: Add BerryPay and VenturePay (formerly known as MySedeqah) payment method.
Version: 2.0.21
Date: 23 February 2022
Time: 05:00 am (MYT)
1) Features: Perform payment transaction status re-query for donations made via FPX Billplz.
Version: 2.0.20
Date: 17 February 2022
Time: 01:38 pm (MYT)
1) Temporary workaround: Stop schedule to pull campaigns from MySedeqah.
Version: 2.0.19
Date: 16 February 2022
Time: 01:55 am (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix limited donation records listing for user roles with 'display any donation' permission.
Version: 2.0.18
Date: 08 February 2022
Time: 10:38 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Assign the default referral tag if donor access directly to the donation page.
Version: 2.0.17
Date: 08 February 2022
Time: 08:50 pm (MYT)
1) UX: Display referral / introducer to specific user roles.
Version: 2.0.16
Date: 08 February 2022
Time: 08:33 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Handle referral tag / introducer.
Version: 2.0.15
Date: 08 February 2022
Time: 03:50 am (MYT)
1) UI: Handle payment transactions between Billplz and MySedeqah FPX direct MyCARE at payment transaction receipt.
Version: 2.0.14
Date: 08 February 2022
Time: 03:30 am (MYT)
1) Features: Handle payment transactions between Billplz and MySedeqah FPX direct MyCARE.
Version: 2.0.13
Date: 07 February 2022
Time: 05:30 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Enable 'fpx_billplz' as available payment method.
Version: 2.0.12
Date: 26 January 2022
Time: 02:48 pm (MYT)
1) Features: Redirect users to version 1 MyQurbani features.
Version: 2.0.11
Date: 23 January 2022
Time: 07:40 pm (MYT)
1) Enhancement: Pull donations from MySedeqah once a year without overlapping.
Version: 2.0.10
Date: 23 January 2022
Time: 09:05 am (MYT)
1) Enhancement: Revert pulling donations from 10 to 1 minute without overlapping.
Version: 2.0.9
Date: 23 January 2022
Time: 08:50 am (MYT)
1) Enhancement: Delay pull donations (donation items) data from MySedeqah server from 1 to 10 minutes.
Version: 2.0.8
Date: 23 January 2022
Time: 07:30 am (MYT)
1) Enhancement: Log 'time' to pull donors data from MySedeqah server.
Version: 2.0.7
Date: 23 January 2022
Time: 06:30 am (MYT)
1) Data migration: Pull donors data from MySedeqah server (background process).
Version: 2.0.6
Date: 19 January 2022
Time: 05:05 am (MYT)
1) Debug: Fix query while checking for the latest pulled donation items from MySedeqah server.
Version: 2.0.5
Date: 19 January 2022
Time: 04:38 am (MYT)
1) Data migration: Synchronize (pull) donations (donation items) data from MySedeqah server.
2) Correction: Make correction release date for version 2.0.4
Version: 2.0.4
Date: 17 January 2022
Time: 12:30 am (MYT)
1) Features: Permit specific user roles to filter 'user roles' at User records listing module.
2) Features: Permit specific user roles to filter 'category unique user' at User Activity Log records listing module.
3) UX: Enhance user search filter by 'name contains', 'tel contains', 'NRID contains', and 'email contains' at User records listing module.
Version: 2.0.3
Date: 14 January 2022
Time: 05:06 pm (MYT)
1) Debug: Redirect to the campaign goals list with the previously specified campaign ID after updating.
2) Debug: Redirect to the campaign donation amount options list with the previously specified campaign ID after updating.
Version: 2.0.2
Date: 10 January 2022
Time: 11:00 am (MYT)
1) Features: Add Billplz bill ID search filter at Donation records listing.
2) Features: Add Donor full name 'contains' search filter at Donation records listing.
3) Features: Add Transaction status search filter at Donation records listing.
4) UI/UX: Add 'Search filter' button instead of displaying the whole search filters at Donation records listing.
5) UX: Decreate line spacing between version release at release_notes.txt
6) Features: Read version from release_notes.txt instead of .env file on release updates.
Version: 2.0.1
Date: 9 January 2022
Time: 05:30 am (MYT)
1) Security: Mask the logged encrypted password with *** at User Activity Log records listing module.
2) Security: Display the logged HTTP headers to only higher rank user roles at User Activity Log records listing module.
3) UI: Bring 'in category' to the 2nd row for the search filter at User Activity Log records listing module.
4) UX: Add this release notes document.
5) UX: Update hyperlink from 'Coming soon' to this release notes document at the footer.
Version: 2.0.0
Date: 8 January 2022
Time: 04:00 am (MYT)
1) Initial release.